我們尊敬及摰愛的Miss Yung已於2024年8月12日完成大殮及火化儀式。
我們尊敬及摰愛的Miss Yung已於2024年8月12日完成大殮及火化儀式。
面對Miss Yung的離世,我們雖然不捨,但仍會堅強面對,並承諾延續Miss Yung「人人可教」的信念,為學生提供愉快、歡欣的校園,培育他們成材。
再次感謝一直愛護Miss Yung的各位,以及在學校的悼念廳上和在靈堂上陪著Miss Yung走完人生旅程的各位親友。
此外,為紀念Miss Yung對學校我們的關愛,我們製作了一本紀念册,並已於設靈當日派發。以下的超連結為紀念册的內容,以供各位參閱。如欲索取實體書本,可於辦公時間內到學校校務處領取,就讓大家一同懷緬我們的Miss Yung。
The funeral and cremation rites for our esteemed and beloved Miss Yung have been completed on August 12, 2024.
Though we are still saddened by Miss Yung's passing, we will face it with strength and continue to uphold Miss Yung's belief that "All are Educable". We pledge to provide our students with a joyful and vibrant campus environment, and nurture them to succeed.
We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have loved and cared for Miss Yung, as well as those family members and friends who accompanied Miss Yung on her final journey at the memorial hall.
In addition, to honor Miss Yung's care and love for our school, we have compiled a memorial booklet which was distributed during the vigil. The contents of this booklet can be accessed via the link below. If you wish to obtain a physical copy, please visit the school office during office hours. Let's all reminisce about the moments with our beloved Miss Yung.
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